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Here is the way to utilize our Service by creating and uploading a collection:

Users who already have an account with PT Vidio Dot Com can use the same account to login into (please skip step 1 and 2). Nonetheless, if you do not have an account with us, please do the following:

1. You will have to register with us by going to or or any of our Services (your choice)
2. Fill in the necessary information (name, username, e-mail and password)
3. Upon completion of your registration, users will receive an e-mail that indicates your account verification with us
4. Verify your account by clicking on the link that is written on the e-mail
5. You can now use your account

Login into your account with the username and password that you created. After your successful login:

Upload a Video: You can directly upload a video into the ‘Videos’ section that can be found on the top left bar under Manage. Then click ‘Upload Video’ and fill in the necessary details (title, description, user’s collection)

1. Users can drag the video file into the box that says ‘Drag file here or browse to upload’
2. The last box that is empty will be automatically filled with the type of video format you upload.
3. With this conditions our system will create automaticly user’s collection. Go aside bar, and click collection button, the collection can edit by name, collection description and image collection.

Create a Collection: You can create a collection first before you upload your video. To do this, you can click on the ‘Collection’ button that is found on the top left bar under Manage. It will bring you to the collections page and in there click on ‘Create Collection’ and fill in the required details (collection name, brief description, a thumbnail image for your collection located on the box and click on ‘Save’

Users will then be brought back to the Collections page; in here users will see what collections they have created and they can decide to publish or non-publish their particular collections

1. Users can also decide to alter the brief description if they wish to by clicking on the ‘Edit’ button located on the right hand side
2. You can also upload videos that can be broken into various parts provided that you break them on your own but in terms of uploading, you will still have to do it one by one
3. Your video is now uploaded for the public to view