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About me

Welcome to the all new APMF 2016, our biennial meetup of the brightest minds, change agents and business leaders where we share and discover innovative ways to engage with brands today. Carrying the theme 'Game On', APMF brings forward thought provoking sessions, advance class and latest marketing technology exhibition. Three days of brain-fest to inspire fresh thinking that keeps us ahead of the game. APMF gives attendees immersive learning, collaboration, and networking experiences. Held in the magical island of Bali, APMF is a place where great ideas are hatched and business decisions are made.When technology revolutionizes everything we do, from the way we market product to the way we engage our users, every little points count to keep us ahead of the game. APMF is curated to give delegates an immersive learning experience, and powerful insights to win the battle. So, be ready. Game On.

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